Academic Leadership Toolkit

Office of Faculty Development and Advancement

Faculty Appointments Procedure


The Office of Human Resources is responsible for reviewing and processing appointments for new faculty and current faculty to ensure that faculty members are appointed in a timely manner. HR staff members depend on chairs and deans to work with their respective departments to provide complete and accurate documentation for all appointments by the published HR appointment deadline. This enables our faculty to receive paychecks in a timely manner.


  • Timely appointment of new faculty and re-appointment of current faculty

Authority and Responsibility:

  • Working directly with the Office of the Provost, the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement develops faculty employment policies and works with HR to implement those policies.
  • The Office of Human Resources develops procedures to ensure compliance with University policies in faculty hiring.
  • HR Department Representatives housed in each unit assist chairs and deans in preparing paperwork for all appointments.
  • Hiring units are responsible for submitting complete information to HR by published deadlines.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Departments not submitting required paperwork for new appointments by the HR deadline
  • Departments submitting incomplete or inaccurate appointment paperwork to HR (see employment checklist below)
